Friday, August 26, 2016

When you love yourself you don't take men's shit

People have this love thing confused...

And especially women...we've been conditioned to believe that all men are stupid and that lots of struggle is necessary in relationships so we are supposed to put up with men's shit and pray and hope he gets it right the next time.

Especially Black women, we've been conditioned to treat men like our sons and that love is all about giving this man all of you and hope he appreciates your effort and changes.
You're doing it wrong. The "you must love yourself before anyone else can" is something you've heard all of your life but you don't follow it because you don't know what self love means.

You've been doing it backwards thinking that if you find someone who allegedly loves you that now you can love yourself because they've proved you are a good person after all.
When you love yourself you don't wait on another person to love you. You don't need another person to love you and you don't put up with men's BS.

When you love yourself you don't do all this pampering yourself and putting yourself first then get in a relationship and lose yourself and put self last. Nooo!! You ALWAYS comes first.

When you love yourself you don't hurt yourself, you don't lie to yourself, neglect yourself,abuse yourself, you don't bring unnecessary drama and stress to yourself so why are you accepting it from a man??

I can assure you that as long as you don't love yourself you will always attract men that do not value you or love themselves.

A man who loves himself has NO problem loving with you loving yourself.
Be real with yourself and ask yourself if you would treat yourself the same way a man treats you.

If you can't answer then it's time to let it go and work on loving YOU.

No one is gonna treat you better than YOU treat you. Stop taking men's shit and own the fact that you need to love on YOU a little more.

#‎Mammynomore‬ ‪#‎CreWisdom‬ #SayNotoStruggleLove

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